10 Responses

  1. Barb Pearson
    Barb Pearson at |

    What powerful writing Colleen, thank you. Even though my mother is alive, we just celebrated her 83rd birthday last week, i feel that fragility of which you speak both in her and in myself and it brings out emotions in me i didn’t even realize were there until we hug and are, as you describe, two women holding each other up.

  2. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    A beautiful gift of a dream, and so well expressed in this piece. The part about the robin took my breath away.

  3. Laurie B
    Laurie B at |

    Lovely, still have a lump in my throat!
    So many amazing women in the world!

  4. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    This is so touching Colleen. I remember my mother too – strong, beautiful, positive. When she died I lost a friend, somebody I could talk to on any subject, she was always there for me. She could never be replaced.

  5. Susie
    Susie at |

    Beautiful Colleen, just beautiful. Thank you.


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